Tarot by HiC

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TarotScope of the Day

Astrology of the Day • Astrology of the Week

I release the need to control. I welcome the unexpected. I laugh, learn, and move forward with ease.

Self-reflection, self-awareness, hidden lessons, and possibly unexpected challenges arising from our own patterns. We may find ourselves tangled in our own illusions or caught in a loop of behaviours that no longer serve us, yet we keep expecting different results. Examine where we might be fooling ourselves or allowing old habits to dictate our actions. Beware stubbornness. Loosen the grip on the illusion of control. By embracing Coyote’s unpredictable energy, we turn potential frustration into wisdom by laughing at the absurdity and allowing ourselves to flow with the unexpected.

Are we taking ourselves too seriously ? Are we resisting an obvious truth because it’s uncomfortable ?  Where might we be fooling ourselves ? Am I making life more complicated than it needs to be ?

Expect the unexpected – and don’t take things too seriously. Stay open to surprises, and don’t resist shaking things up. Humour and adaptability are our greatest allies. If we can laugh at the absurdity of the moment, we take away its power to stress or frustrate us.

Plans might go awry, people may act unpredictably, or things might just feel slightly off. If something seems like a setback, it may actually be a nudge in a better direction. Trust that there’s a hidden lesson or redirection happening for a reason.

Avoid the trap of self-sabotage by stepping back, seeing the bigger picture, and embracing a more lighthearted approach. Are you unconsciously setting yourself up for failure via procrastination, self-doubt, or making choices that we know aren’t in our best interest ? Self-sabotage often stems from fear … of success … of change, … of stepping into our power. Observe where you might be tripping over your own feet and make a conscious choice to step differently.

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