Astro Week
03 ~ 09 February 2025
The astrological forces pick up some energy this week. It’s time to dream bigger, think bolder, and take a risk or two. As feelings of whimsy and imagination dissipate, there’s a sharpening of mental clarity and pragmatism as the line between fantasy and reality becomes sharper and more defined. With Jupiter’s energy dominating the week, the overall theme is expansion. It’s a time to dream bigger, take bold steps, explore paths less trodden, and revisit old ideas with a fresh outlook. Love and enthusiasm and excitement abound as Venus shifts into Aries. On Monday, we’re likely to see a more emotional tone in all of the most important communications with the possibility for some exciting news. Next week-end, insights come fast, ideas feel sharp, and conversations lean toward the progressive and unconventional.
Epiphanies, sudden bursts of genius, and the ability to talk our way into (or out of) just about anything. This is excellent for brainstorming, making connections, and revamping old projects with a fresh perspective. It is easier to focus on the positive as conversations flow (though may skew towards the intellectual) and we are able to see the bigger picture. This is the day to dust off ideas we’ve been sitting on and see where they lead. The influence of Makemake reflects a depth of moral commitment to taking action required by an internal sense of right versus wrong, or truth-telling, a sense of activism that has to do with information exchange and forward thinking. The question of where we are going, each of us individually and also collectively, as a society, might be prominent on everyone’s mind and in their heart.
JUPITER DIRECT IN GEMINI (04 February ~ 19 October)
A refreshing energy that enhances our ability to broaden our perspective and tackle challenges more effortlessly. The arrival of gifts and blessings that invite us to embrace profound realisations and opportunities that may enrich our lives. Renewed progress regarding our aspirations and desires. We can anticipate a surge of progress in communications and important conversations. We are better able to articulate our thoughts with clarity and precision. Initiatives related to communications, marketing, or social media that have been in a state of stagnation may soon find the momentum needed to take flight.
It’s time to get down to business around things that have felt stalled, confusing, or have been in perpetual wait-and-see mode. This is prime time for learning, networking, and making plans that actually go somewhere. We may have been in information overload since mid-January and our nervous systems could be overtaxed, manifesting as anxiety and restless sleep. Ideas and initiatives launched since the beginning of the year need a practical plan to support them if they are to manifest in reality.
Jupiter went retrograde on 09 October. This is when it pulled the rug out from under all those things that make believing easy and, for many, causing doubt to overshadow confidence and wanting to call it quits. Since October, in what ways have we felt the urge to broaden our horizons ? In what ways have we felt the invitation to embrace a deeper sense of abundance in our life ? We may find ourselves being more interactive and social, ready to participate in life with a clearer understanding of our own truth as our sights and spirits get a lift so that we reach for our better selves rather than stoop to our lowest common denominator.
Jupiter has been activating and elevating the effects of fixed star Pi-3 Orionis, which represents readiness to do battle in defence of a cause, an idea, or a person, and exacerbating our minds churning over negative experiences or information without resolving any of the issues. As Jupiter moves beyond Pi-3 Orionis in the days ahead, we may find it easier and easier to bring our minds to a state of calm.
VENUS IN ARIES (04 February ~ 06 June; Rx 01 March ~ 12 April)
Passionate pursuits, bold moves, saying what you want now, not later. A dynamic energy that is both potent and impulsive, guiding us to explore our deepest passions and the motivations. Immerse ourselves in the vibrant energies surrounding love and relationships. Be more direct and spontaneous in expressing love. Be comfortable taking risks for the sake of romance, seeking new creative or artistic outlets. Watch out for a tendency to be very impatient or irritable when needs are not being met. While the urge to dive headfirst into a grand romantic gesture (or a dramatic breakup) might be strong, try to think it through. Remember, not everything that burns bright is built to last.
We are drawn to the mystical and our intuitive faculties are enhanced. The creative imagination is strong, as are the spiritual qualities of idealism, compassion, and forgiveness. See the bigger picture, have compassion and forgiveness, surrender anxiety to our higher Self, free the mind through meditation and self-reflection, have faith in the Divine Plan, trust in positive outcomes. Connect with our spiritual community for assistance and support.
Power Moves in Love & Money
Intensity, passion, and the power to create meaningful change. Authenticity and courage are rewarded. A day to make an impact, be it in love, career, or personal transformation. Have deep, authentic conversations. Make a bold financial or creative move; just make sure it’s coming from a place of genuine empowerment, not impulse. We can gain insights into a relationship if we are willing to look honestly at the issues involved.
Vibrant mental energy and clarity. Insights come fast, ideas feel sharp, and conversations lean toward the progressive and unconventional. The urge to speak honestly and to share our unique ideas is heightened. The mental stimulation needed to engage with challenging problem-solving endeavours effectively. We are able to have greater clarity and embrace a deeper sense of confidence in our choices. Expand horizons to reveal fresh perspectives and opportunities that may have previously eluded our awareness.
Slow, steady progress. Objectivity enables us to address emotional issues more effectively. Revisit long-term goals, work on emotional boundaries, make thoughtful decisions about where we’re headed next.