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TarotScope of the Day

Astrological Weather Report of the day + Tarot Energy of the day

Astrology of the Day

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A relatively quiet and intuitive day goes out with a bang. A dreamy afternoon finds emotions high, dreams vivid, and the urge for escapism strong. Tonight, we can take on a more active role as the Moon shifts into playful, dramatic Leo, helping to strengthen us to stand up for ourselves and our desires. Just avoid being too self-absorbed and making everything about ourselves; stay empathic and aware of other people's needs and feelings.

AFTERNOON : Cancer Moon trine Neptune : Emotional, sensitive, compassionate, spiritual.

TONIGHT : Leo Moon opposite Pluto : Buried feelings surface to reveal hidden tensions that have been buried within us.



Adapt. Improvise. This week is not business as usual. We can either roll with the chaos or cling desperately to what’s crumbling. With a little foresight, we can get through this week and come out the other side with newfound clarity. It is crucial to have a strong, individual sense of Self, otherwise we end up losing touch with ourselves and simply doing what other people expect of us. We are conditioned since we are young to shrink and be small, to not take up too much space, that other people will judge us if we do. The Full Moon in Leo inspires us to allow ourselves to take up space and actually honour our creative spirit, which may end up inspiring other people to do the same. Mercury moves into Pisces for about three weeks. During this time, our mind is extra imaginative, dreamy, and intuitive. Think creatively instead of being linear, logical, or rational about the way we approach things.

Read more in the Astrology of the Week